Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Crimes of a Narcissist – Blame shifting

Narcissists always shift the blame because they lack empathy and shame

A Narcissist is nothing more than a mental antagonist; they lure you in with little titbits of concern/kindness before they pull the old bait and switch, leaving you stunned and paralysed.

And yet, they feel entitled to your unconditional love. They feel deserving of your generosity and forgiveness; regardless of the fact that they fail to bestow any such qualities on you. A Narcissist is always a taker and never a giver.

You're left scratching your head, looking for explanations, but challenging their ways just leads to more unanswered questions as the Narcissist forever dodges the bullet. Nothing fears the Narcissist more than having their persona under the microscope. Although being the successful manipulative liars they are they'll always have various tricks up their sleeve, waiting in reserve to allow the slimy Narcissist to slip away unscathed. They are very hard to pin down, unpredictable and unnervingly evasive.

And they do an awfully good job of making you look bad. They make you feel guilty for bringing up their past as though your need to talk about it, is as questionable as the crimes they commit! Narcissists have a lopsided view on morals; they are never accountable for their own wrongdoings. Everybody else is wrong and everybody else is to blame.

I'll use one of my own experiences as an example: A psychic once believed that I was a bad child, which sent my mother's wrathful mindset into overdrive and I was subject to horrific and senseless beatings. There was nothing to support the psychic's suspicions and my mother knew that. My mother was actively looking for reasons to demoralise me but she dumped the blame on the psychic. This is blame shifting. They will blame anyone apart from themselves, they'll even blame you. Everybody to the Narcissist is a scapegoat.

They will point blank deny all accusations or paint their warped interpretation of events and maintain that odd air of aloofness just to rile you even more. It's a corrupt move which prepares more instant gratification for the Narcissist as they extract more supply by agitating you for a reaction. The Narcissist takes delight in being able to illicit emotions – positive or negative so long as it reaffirms their control over you. Blame shifting leaves you self-doubting, confused and exasperated. It's an illogical mind game designed to undermine you in every way.

What they are doing is not harmless. It's not innocent play. Neither is it something we should take lightly or take pity on the Narcissist, because they are and always have been in full control of their faculties. We're talking about control freaks after all. Control freaks who feel above reproach and entitled to cross all social norms and boundaries. They are ruthless murderers of morals; respect for others, integrity and compassion. For, these are the very things that the Narcissist is sorely lacking and has contempt for!

Narcissists are chronic party poopers, spoiled brats and malevolent controllers. They cannot stand the happiness of others; they enjoy raining on your parade; they deliberately keep everyone in the dark about their underhand affairs (should you ever find out, God have mercy!), and they will never give you validation. Any kindness they dole out is puny and often few and far between. Trying to receive a drop of clarity or sincerity from them is like trying to draw blood from a stone.

So when it comes to a Narcissist and their blame shifting; do not accept anything but the absolute truth. Anything else, aside from a confession of their dark motives, is white noise. By tolerating or excusing them of their blame shifting, we are compromising our feelings, values, mental health and enabling the cycle. We are talking about repeated insidious acts, not an isolated incident. It is about time that we challenge the Narcissist's MO. For every time their behaviour goes undetected, another victim suffers.


Blame shifting also runs the risk of affecting your emotional and physical wellbeing. It sends you on a never ending tailspin, on an endless quest for answers when the real answers lie within the Narcissist, purposefully hidden for your destruction. Blame shifting (no matter how trivial) plants seeds of doubt and poisonous thought processes, needlessly distracting your focus from more rewarding and important tasks. It drains you of all your precious resources as your mind works tirelessly trying to get answers, solutions and closure. Your personal wellbeing starts to take a backseat and everything including your health is on the slide. Anxiety, lowered self-esteem and sleepless nights take over. Meanwhile, the Narcissist is quietly chuckling to themselves in the knowledge that they're the centre of your universe. Narcissistic abuse is a heavy burden to bear and can cause long term suffering to it's victims, sometimes for many years to come.

Not only is Blame Shifting detrimental to you, as it invalidates your intelligence, feelings, denies closure. It's also counterproductive to the Narcissist! It inhibits their ability to go within and accept full responsibility for their mistakes, stunts their personal growth, keeping them enslaved in this juvenile delinquent state. Blame shifting is a double-edged sword; justice is withheld and the Narcissist is trapped in their self-invented prison.

And that is why blame shifting is a crime. It's a crime against integrity, humanity and love. Blame shifting ends up benefiting no one as the Narcissist's victims eventually tire, fight back or leave. Consequently, the Narcissist never grows any capacity to experience true happiness and the longer they continue to play their games, the darker their world becomes.

So, if you stand for love, compassion and sanity then you must protect your universe from these heartless destroyers. They have no conscience and there are no limits to how much or what they will take from you!


Narcissism is a personality disorder, it is not a mental illness that can be treated with medication. The Narcissist is fully conscious of their condition and chooses to exercise their will in the most destructive manner. They cannot be fixed because they do not believe they are broken. So the more a Narcissist remains unchanged, the faster and farther should you run.

There is nothing wrong with loving them but please do so from a safe distance, for your own sake. You will never be heard and you can never save them. And neither do you need the reminders of the past or to bear witness to future offences.

The more contact you have with these people, the more withdrawn, isolated and hopeless you'll become.

Understand that you are not alone or going out of your mind. There are thousands of sufferers bearing the battle scars, still coming to terms and recuperating from the volcanic aftermath of Narcissistic abuse. I know it's hard to comprehend that there are people who could be so hateful and malicious. And I know it's even more disturbing that these people may happen to be your supposed; family members, your partner, your friends or even your own children! However, we need to stop overcompensating for or justifying their villainous behaviour. They are the ones that need to be held accountable for their deviant inclinations.


Accept that blame shifting is another form of abuse. It's a tactic used to disarm, control and injure you. It's not intended to serve you in any way. Ignore your Narcissist's attempt to deploy logic and reason against you and trust your feelings. A person who genuinely loves you would never want to hurt you; minimise your feelings or stand by their venomous words / action.

Speak up! You don't need to suffer in silence anymore. This is the time to reach out, join support groups and speak to an empathetic counsellor / therapist.

We need to heal and forgive ourselves for falling for their tricks time and time again. Just because we've become their prey doesn't mean that we're stupid - quite the contrary!. Narcissists target those who are intelligent, logical and empathetic, but because they lack any integrity they use these wonderful traits against us! In fact, there are a million good reasons why you were chosen. So, please don't beat yourself up. You possess truly special qualities which are the envy of all Narcissists, which is why they want to destroy you.

We can take some comfort in the fact that we are the strong ones. Despite the hell they put us through we will always have a greater ability to love and experience real happiness than they ever will. Reclaim yourself, reclaim your power and stand by your morals. If they aren't with you then they are most definitely against you! Don't feel sorry for the Narcissist as they are not the real victim – you are!

Blame shifting is cowardly, psychologically damaging and only adds more insult to your injuries. Do yourself a favour, develop zero tolerance for blame shifting; honour your hurt feelings and when the time is right, make that decision to end your turmoil by leaving the Narcissist to rot.

If the above resonates with you and you wish to explore a personal matter further, feel free to contact me for a friendly consultation.

Sophie x

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to overcome rejection

Rejection is divine intervention to protect you from the people who don't deserve you

***This post is now available as an audio file on YouTube ***

For those who are struggling to make out the text please click here to be redirected to my blog

Why rejection hurts

Rejection isn't an easy pill to swallow. Whether it was a hard blow, a subtle 'hint', fact or fiction, it still smacks of the same bitter flavour. The incident plagues us, swirling endlessly in our tired minds; exhausted from trying to work out the whys and wherefores. Rejection unravels even the best of us and often leaves a trail of broken dreams, relationships and people behind.

Rejection punctures the air out the ego; scrambles our brains; eats us from the inside; robs us of our self-esteem and sometimes bruises the heart. Many of us do our best to brush it off despite feeling knocked, deflated and emotionally scarred.

What causes rejection to sting so much?

What if I told you that rejection can only hurt you if you truly believed in it? The fact that you are so triggered by rejection means that you secretly possess feelings of self-rejection. Rejection can only injure if such an emotion existed within you. Rejection doesn't have to be personal unless you want it to be.

Rejection in relationships

Nothing hurts more than being rejected by our nearest and dearest; we trust them; we are invested in their thoughts and opinions; we bare our souls to these people. However being rejected by our loved ones can feel like an act of betrayal and cuts like a knife.

We often reject ideas or people on a subconscious level and sometimes it's just a matter of miscommunication. If you're in doubt, just ask for clarity. Be open to ideas for growth and expansion. Ensure that any constructive feedback is coming from a good place and with a good dosage of logic! Be discerning. It is one thing to be offered 'information' and another to being attacked. Be wary of the difference. In any case, you're an individual with your own mind; beliefs and values. Hence, it is your choice whether you decide to accept or act on the back of any form of rejection.

It's a huge tragedy that many of us are being rejected by our close circle in some underhand, malicious or often indescribable ways. And if you're one of those poor victims who are being vandalised of their life force and self-esteem, I ask why you are offering your wonderful soul to these people? Please see my video on emotional and mental abuse for more information.

Start observing your nearest and dearest carefully. Do they measure up in terms of integrity; honesty; humility and love? If not, perhaps you should ask why you are placing your trust in those who have such a warped view of you?

Those who constantly criticise and reject others often fear rejection themselves; and rather than running the risk of being rejected they finish up rejecting others first. Question the real motives of others; don't be a martyr by accepting other people's inability to deal with their own feelings of inferiority.

Rejection in work and groups

Being an outcast of a social or work group is an emotionally demoralising experience. And yet, we suck it up, maintain the composure of a good team player when clearly we are being ostracised and oppressed. It becomes a soul-destroying routine, whereby they conceal information from you; talk behind your back; make you the butt of their jokes and only wish to make your life as awkward as possible. You are conscious of the backstabbing but feel outnumbered, powerless and probably desperate to retain your job /social connections. However you need to be able to see the situation for what it really is - they are making you an outcast. Whatever their reasons, it probably has nothing to do with you but their own personal issues.

Wouldn't you rather be around people who appreciate your time and what you have to bring to the table? Relationships of any sort are about healthy exchanges. How we spend our time indicates what we value the most. So if you are spending time in a work or social environment which leaves you feeling uninspired, empty or joyless; ask why you are selling yourself short in the department of emotional wellbeing?

Allow for some time to do some self-reflection, restoration and finding inner peace. Look to join other groups who share the same interests and social graces. In a work situation, consider raising your concerns with your HR department or start looking for work elsewhere. Consider tending to the weeds in the way of your emotional wellbeing; surround yourself with good vibrations; protect yourself from negative influences; recharge your batteries; draw a line in the sand and start redesigning your life.

Positivity begets more positivity and can only be good for the mind, body, soul as well as the old bank account!

Rejection can be our teacher

Let's say you applied for a lucrative job, you aced the final interview, only to be dropped at the last minute! You're devastated; you banked your hopes on something which appeared to be a sure thing, only you now have to accept will never materialise.

However, such rejection can help us to ask key questions and to build character. You may need to ask yourself whether you were underqualified / overqualified for the position?
Were you truly ready for that level of responsibility?
Was it something you actually wanted to do?

Perhaps the job rejection had little do with your skills but your lack of self confidence? Do some honest self-analysis, what areas do you think you can improve on?

Consider the rejection as a divine opportunity for you to seek a more appropriate position, boost your self confidence or to improve your skills.

Rejection can caution us to stop, revise and replan if necessary!

Rejection is also a healthy right

Let's use an example on dating; you've finally plucked up the courage to speak to the object of your affection. You might even have had the chance to get to know them a little better and to even know that they're single. However when you finally ask them out, they strongly shut you down. The feelings of awkwardness, humiliation and rejection will probably haunt you, especially if you have to be in close proximity to that person, such as in a work setting.

Each of us has had to reject people and situations for all sorts of weird and wonderful reasons and again, it probably had more to do with our own personal issues than anything else. Living in such a fast-paced society with endless tasks and demands on our precious time means we cannot always say yes to every job opportunity; every social invitation and every potential suitor! It is healthy to be able to say 'No'.

Everybody has been gifted with free will. And, we should respect the free will of others as much as we treasure our own. What might intrigue or be considered as important by one person, probably couldn't be rated any less by another. So, rather than see rejection as a curse, see it as a healthy right and even a blessing in disguise. Just because that one person (out of 7 billion) cannot recognise your attractiveness and worth doesn't mean someone else won't. Respect the free will of others and remind yourself that you might also have to do a little rejecting at some point too!

Reframe rejection and find an outlet

Understand that the reasons for rejection are as varied and complex as we are as individuals. Therefore, there is little point trying to comprehend or accept all forms of rejection. Strive to only accept constructive feedback which will be of benefit to you and decide to discard the rest. Be selective and firm. Distance yourself from those who are overly negative and critical. Protect yourself from energy sappers. You have a right to even refuse rejection!

Understandably, the sting of rejection cannot be removed by logic alone. Even those who are masters of psychology also experience rejection and it's painful lingering emotions. Therefore, allow yourself to wallow and get angry for a bit! It's perfectly ok to feel down in the dumps every now and then. Let whatever needs to be expressed, be expressed. Permit yourself sufficient time to allow the processing of whatever emotions crop up. Look for healthy releases which leave you feeling less burdened and revitalised.

Some healthy outlets:

  • Journalling
  • Painting/arts and crafts
  • Consulting a trusted friend /therapist / counsellor
  • Singing
  • Meditating
  • Physical activities such as going for a run, yoga, punching a pillow..etc
  • Cleaning / DIY
  • Joining a support group
  • Having a good cry

Find creative ways to express the whole palate of your emotions. Consult a professional or confide in a trusted friend. Surround yourself with positive influences and people. Give yourself plenty of time for rest, recovery, reflection and re-evaluation. Embrace your feelings, be kind to yourself and trust that you are worth more than the pain you are feeling right now.

Rejection is just an opinion; it does not have to define you.

If the above resonates with you and you'd like to explore a personal matter further, feel free to contact me for a friendly consultation.

Sophie x

Monday, April 11, 2016

How to deal with fear, anxiety and phobias

Fear has been a normal part of my life as far I can remember. I honestly cannot recall a moment in time whereby I wasn't feeling nervous about something. From the first day at nursery to an interview from hell, it didn't seem to get any easier. It was quite an isolating experience as no one wanted to hear or even discuss about fears in general. I felt like I was the only one who was continually on edge. Society has such a tremendous stigma about fear and has a zero tolerance policy. It just goes to show how afraid of fear we actually are. 
It took me a long time to emotionally acknowledge that my fears weren't real. The emotional acceptance was a real game changer for no amount of mental overriding, distraction, denial, talking or education could alleviate my anxiety. It wasn't until I stopped trying to repress my fears that things started to shift in my life. Those decisions, events or things that previously terrified me began to seem less daunting. I've become less afraid of my fears because I have been able to decipher the difference between the emotion itself and reality. I used to get so freaked out by things like spiders that I'd convince myself they were in my bedroom when there wasn't one to be seen. So powerful were my fears that I imagined there to be things in my life that simply weren't there. The fact of the matter is that fear is just an emotion like any other. It's just something that needs to be experienced and released - but not obeyed. We shouldn't allow fear to dictate our lives. In other words, we should just allow the feelings of fear to wash over us and do the opposite of what it's urging us to do! It takes a huge amount of bravery to take that jump into the unknown but we need to remind ourselves that growth cannot be achieved if we remain stuck in our comfort zone. Just imagine how amazing you'll feel in taking that plunge, taking that chance and finally stepping over that phobia. Go easy on yourself, Rome wasn't built in one day as they say. Overcoming any fear takes time. So long as you encourage yourself to dip your toe in bit by bit, eventually that urge for you to make that giant leap will overtake you. Your fears don't define you. It's not who you truly are, underneath it all.

As infants, we began life crawling on our hands and knees and yet we mastered the art of walking; despite the many graceless falls and tumbles. If we kept associating the concept of walking to that of pain and failure, we'd still be cruising on all fours to this day. The point I'm trying to make is that we never gave up, we kept trying. We could all benefit from regaining the curiosity, fearlessness and determination we possessed as youngsters. If you were to start seeing the world again through the eyes of a child, those fears would suddenly seem utterly ridiculous. Nothing is impossible unless you let yourself get in the way of what you can achieve. Fears aren't as real as they feel. 

Fears. We all have them. Some choose to ignore them. Others live in them. I have learned to respect them. We can learn an awful lot about ourselves if we just feel our fears as opposed to letting them run our lives. Fears are just reminders of psychological injuries that need to be released. You don't have to live an exhausting life of constantly tip toeing around people, things or situations that send you running for the hills. You can overcome this! Keep telling yourself that you can do it, feel that you can do it and before you know it you'll be kicking fear in the backside. Decide to reclaim your power once and for all, and kick those fears into touch. 

If you wish to explore a personal matter further, please see me for a friendly personal consultation.

Sophie x

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why we remain stuck in toxic relationships

There is something almost mystical about toxic relationships. They demand endless attention, effort, energy, and money. Yet we are seemingly enslaved by them. It seems like the biggest scam in history - that the more loving we pour into it, the less we get in return.
We cry out in pain, reach out to our friends and loved ones for comfort only to crawl back to our supposedly evil partners. Soap operas become a reenactment of our tragic lives, thereby normalizing the pain. But why do we cling onto toxic relationships even when we know they don't serve us?
Before I continue, I feel the need to strongly recommend for who are in particularly violent relationships to seek support and consider leaving their partner asap.
In the meantime, I shall explore a few reasons on why YOU are emotionally stuck.

Nobody likes to admit that we have certain fears around our relationships. We put on a brave face to the world when inside we are trembling. We keep our partner at arms length because we fear them, the relationship and even ourselves! The reality is that such feelings are so common. The problem isn't so much to do with our feelings but society's judgment towards them. This causes us to reject the idea of owning terrible feelings such as vulnerability, paranoia, and insecurity. We don't want to be outcasts of society so we allow ourselves to be manipulated by its rules.
It's disturbing that negative emotions often get such a bad rap. They are just feelings after all and do not have to define you in any way. As the saying goes “nothing to fear but fear itself”. Fear is considered too frightening that the mere thought of it sends shivers down our spine. However every time you run away from fear, you are allowing fear to run you! People who repress their negative emotions ironically give them more power than they should.
So it's actually healthy to acknowledge these unpleasant truths because this will be key in solving the problem! After all, it would be foolish to fix something without identifying the issue first. You don't have to go shouting from the rooftops about your self-discovery - just being honest with yourself is already a massive step towards empowerment.
A wise person once said, "don't run away from problems, run them over instead".
So what are your fears? The following is a list I'd started whilst discussing with a friend (bear in mind this isn't fully exhaustive):
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of change
  • Fear of stepping out in our own
  • Fear of making the wrong decision
  • Fear of hurting our partner
  • Fear of being judged by others
  • Fear that the grass may not be greener on the other side
  • Fear of loneliness
  • Fear of rejection from future prospects
  • Fear of being punished /rejected if we do leave but decide to return
  • Fear of admitting defeat.
  • Fear of the actual pain associated with a breakup
  • Fear of our partner's reaction if we do break it off
  • Fear of retribution
  • Fear of losing support or security
Reflect, feel and release any painful emotions that crop up. It will seem hard at first but it will get easier with practice. Don't force or rush the process - even a mere 10 mins a day is a good start.

An established relationship can feel like an old pair of shoes; well past their glory days but we're so accustomed to them. Bonds take time to break into our hearts which is often why it becomes difficult to part with them. We've grown close to them and they've accepted our strange quirks. They say that familiarity breeds contempt although I'm inclined to disagree - it is the storage of resentment which causes a sense of loathing. Familiarity at its best can invite a certain predictability which can be comforting but it's a poor justification for staying with someone.

Nostalgia and our addiction to chemical romance
Many of us are unable to move past a certain idea of them. It is unsurprising that many of us present the best of ourselves during the courtship dance. In most cases, such appearances cannot be sustained and it's only a matter of time before the cracks begin to show. We rationalise that it's just a passing phase; that the thrills and passion can be restored. We idolise the former days, pine for their return and become disillusioned with the true state of our relationship. We become so consumed by it all that we barely recognise ourselves or the person we're with.
Letting go of these unfulfilled hopes and dreams can feel devastating however it's the only way to move forward, with or without your significant other. 

It's important for us to accept the reality of how the relationship has changed in order to progress and operate from a place of strength.
Examine whether you are in love with them or the feelings they once gave you? If it's the latter then it's a possibility that you are seeking an addiction and not love.
Be honest with yourself, what does love mean to you?

Any time spent with, or thinking about them is an investment. It was time which could have been spent on various other things and other people. Instead, we allowed them to dominate our thoughts, priorities, time and energy because we believed they were worth it. Patience is a virtue. Yet, if you haven't noticed any improvement in your relationship after a reasonable period of time, then either your approach needs to change or you need to change partner.

Anger, control and power
You know the saying, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer? As much we love our partners, we may also resent them and sometimes the feeling is very much mutual. They probably know our hopes, dreams wishes and embarrassing secrets. They might even know where our sore spots are. As sad as it sounds, many choose to continue a relationship to control or be controlled. If either (or both) rings true to you, you may need to seek counselling to overcome this nasty habit.

Commitment, guilt and denial
Seasons change, people change, circumstances change and of course, hearts and minds change too. A commitment doesn't have to be a life sentence. Being a person of your word is admirable, but it doesn't have to be done at the expense of your happiness and sanity.
It's bad enough to lie to your other half but even worse to have to lie to yourself if your commitment to the cause is wavering. By no means am I suggesting that you axe your partner now or run off with that cutie from the office. Rather, try to reflect on how you genuinely feel. Ask yourself why you don't feel fulfilled in the relationship? Ask yourself if you're truly open to loving and being loved by your partner?
Perhaps we were in the wrong and broke their heart? Maybe it's the guilt which keeps us entrapped. If so, forgive yourself and promise not to repeat the same mistakes with your partner or anybody else for that matter. Just because we get a parking ticket doesn't mean we have to keep on paying the penalty, tenfold. Stop beating yourself up. Allow yourself to experience the full extent of your guilt and shame. Drain it from your system and make choices based on how you feel without the guilt. Forgive yourself even if no one else will. Don't feel obligated to be with someone out of pity or duty.
Sometimes just thinking about how awful we feel makes us want to shut down. We might even try to minimise the pain, deny that the problems are even 'real' problems. We justify their bad behaviour and our own. We question whether we're being too picky or imagining it all. Denial just causes more suffering for all and there's so much more to life than that! Perhaps you are just as toxic as your partner (perhaps even more?). Although such realisations will require a high level of self-awareness which basically means the opposite of denial! Continuing to live in denial is choosing to be in a coma. The choice is yours...

Sadly, this is a common reason why couples stick together longer than they probably should. They don't want the hassle, disruption, inconvenience or pain of a breakup. They'd rather go through the motions and remain stagnant unless there's a major deal breaker or something better comes along. A relationship built on convenience is actually abusive because we are using and being used by others. In other words, we are settling for second best and allowing mediocrity to rule.

Are there ever good reasons for being in a toxic relationship?
Firstly, if you have to label your relationship as 'toxic' then need I explain more? All joking aside, healthy unions are based on love, trust, respect and growth! If you don't have an ounce of any of these then it truly is a draining relationship.

Now you get the idea of why we might choose to live in a state of ignorance! Perhaps the issues are actually nothing to do with our partner. Whatever the case, better to put on your thinking cap and get started. If you aren't prepared to try to acknowledge or address the issues, how could anything possibly get any better?
Such issues may be vast and complex. Sometimes when we attempt to break down one issue, it splinters off into another pesky problem. It might seem like awfully hard work but it's a worthwhile investment – on you. See yourself as the biggest and most rewarding project you'll ever take on. You are bigger than the relationship with your partner.
Your life might seem like a car crash right now but it doesn't have to stay that way. Life is full of choices and even deciding to bury your head in the sand is a considered a choice.
We cannot expect our circumstances to change without engaging some sort of change within ourselves. Face yourself, your fears, your toxic habits and your demons. Write down what it is that you want from life and relationships in general. Set yourself achievable goals. Take control of life. Embrace the challenges. Learn from its lessons and don't be afraid to seek support.

If you wish to explore this personal matter further, please see me for a friendly personal consultation.
Ignorance isn't bliss, just a conscious decision to stay blind.

Sophie x

Stay tuned for Part 2 – how to transform the relationship / break it off

Friday, April 1, 2016

7 top lessons on handling emotional and mental abuse

***This post is also available as an audio file on Youtube ***

For those who are struggling with the formatting of this post please click here to be redirected to my blog

The following are 7 top lessons I've learned from experience, which have proven to be particularly liberating in my battle with the bullies. 

As the saying goes, we often hurt the ones we love. However, isn't it about time that we challenge this strange belief? Why does society accept this form of torture and most importantly what can you do to put an end to it?

Lesson number 1: Check in with your feelings for signs of abuse
There are endless examples which define mental and emotional abuse. However it always boils down to the same thing. And that is - how do they make you feel? Do they have a tendency to make you feel:
  • Overly self conscious?
  • Like you're walking on eggshells?
  • Jealous?
  • Rejected?
  • Guilty?
  • Embarrassed?
  • Controlled?
  • Stressed?
  • Drained?
  • Worthless?
Unfortunately, most skilled abusers like to play within the limits so your best bet is to go with your gut because the body never lies.

We've all encountered unsavoury people, at some point in our lives who've ridiculed us; criticised us; controlled us; betrayed us and just made us feel downright miserable. They may be highly intelligent people; respected people with status, who come up with the most convincing arguments and justifications for their 'tough love'.

In truth, they are nothing but cowards; morally unethical people who cannot control themselves and thus have no qualms projecting their own issues on you! And despite what your peers might say – such bullying behaviour is neither harmless, helpful or entertaining.
Trust your feelings and stop making allowances for their bullying ways.

Lesson number 2: You cannot reason with them or appeal to their softer side during an attack

You can try to plead, beg or call out the white elephant in the room. However, this wont go down well with your abuser and will probably backfire. Even attempting to have any sort of rational conversation with them at this point is like running through an assault course - minus the glory. You will never beat them at their own game so there's no point wasting your breath, or fighting fire with fire. They are merciless, relentless and vindictive.

Trying to speak up for yourself or even defend yourself will only cause them to become increasingly resentful and enraged; and only results in more pain and destruction.

Lesson number 3: Your attention = more encouragement for their bad behaviour

Stop rewarding them with any more of your time, energy or amazing qualities when they're behaving like blood thirsty sharks. Any flustered or heated reaction from you gets them going; then they berate you for 'overreacting' and simply wash their hands of their responsibility. It's an incredibly frustrating and humiliating experience. They are feeding off of your emotions; good or bad so stop trying to be an appeaser, feeding the crocodile and hoping he will eat you last! Set healthy boundaries and stop engaging with people who feed on such low vibration energies; even if they do happen to be your significant other!

Lesson number 4: Practice the art of retreating

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Whilst it's true that your abuser may have had a difficult childhood or was exposed to much disturbing social activity; it does not excuse them of their cruelty. By all means, feel free to give them your deepest sympathies but don't allow yourself to be their chew toy any longer. Free yourself from their clutches. Show yourself some self-love and self-respect by disengaging. You cannot save those who do not wish to be saved. If you must save one person, let it be you under these circumstances.

The next time you've become a prime target for their bullying; just simply withdraw and do your best to not react. Internalise your thoughts and feelings. It's the only safe option you have. Choose peace over the need to be right. You have the right to walk away from a bad situation with your dignity still intact. Allow them to cool down. And if they do come to their senses, explain how their behaviour makes you feel and that its not something you wish to entertain further. Be firm but be kind. Don't play with them at their own low-level games.

Lesson number 5: Judge them by their actions

Once you've mastered the art of retreating, observe their reaction! Are they willing to see your point and are they motivated to address their issues? If not, it may be time to consider detoxing these dangerous influences from your life. Otherwise, you'll just end up feeling utterly drained from constantly banging your head against a brick wall. They are perfectly aware of what they're doing – which is basically hurting you. Don't allow them to hide behind their excuses. If their choice to remain 'broken' overrules your happiness then let that be a red flag of how little they value and care about you!

Your request for better behaviour is not unreasonable! Take your business elsewhere and converse with like minded people - they are out there!

Lesson number 6: Educate yourself – knowledge is power!

Ask yourself why you've attracted such an abusive person in your life? Do you have a propensity to attract people who mistreat you in a certain way, over and over again? Did you grow up with an overbearing parent or guardian who always abused you in such ways that left you feeling worthless, defenceless and somehow responsible for their erratic behaviour?
Arm yourself with as much information as possible. Seek guidance from a professional if you can, to help navigate you through the process. Develop an understanding of what has caused you to tolerate such people or situations? Do you harbour feelings of low self-worth? Have you been duped into believing that drama in relationships equates to passion? Do you have a tendency to play rescuer; forever attempting to fix problems that aren't even yours?
As you develop a deeper understanding of the core issues, you will start to view things differently. The control your abuser once had will diminish and you will be able to break the cycle once and for all.

Lesson number 7: Don't blame yourself for their abusive behaviour

That's exactly what they want you to believe - because they are incapable of dealing with any sort of blaming themselves. Abusers are simply venomous; they stir up drama, intimidate and twist facts to fit their crazy arguments. And they derive unhealthy pleasure from making victims feel weak, uncomfortable and confused. They are sad people who damage others for their own entertainment. And they know exactly what they are doing – which is basically hurting you.

Allow yourself to feel the anger, frustration, unjust and tears bottled up inside. It's not your fault that they're acting unreasonable. They chose to abuse - not you. Don't beat yourself because there is nothing that you can do to make them stop. They've created a game in which you will have no chance of winning. So why bother playing a game which always results in you being the loser?


If you find yourself becoming a victim of their abusive traps again, try not to revert to your usual responses. And if you do relapse, forgive yourself and make a conscious effort to do things differently next time. It will take some practice but it will become second nature. Don't focus your energies on trying to correct their behaviour. Instead, start focusing on what you can do to turn the tables in your favour.

Show them your worth and value by disconnecting. Give them the opposite of what they want! Forgive yourself, learn from the lessons, get as much information and support as you can. Every step, no matter how small is an investment towards the reclaiming of you; your power; your identity; your hopes and dreams; your beliefs and your destiny. Just remember that by dodging their senseless games, it makes you the winner! Rise above and withdraw and know that by doing so, you are refusing to be anybody's clown.

If you wish to explore a personal matter further, please see me for a friendly personal consultation.

Sophie x